Please enjoy the second edition of the 'Rewind' magazine.
The second issue of the 'Rewind' magazine was created to showcase intern works from the spring 2023 semester, highlighting their originality and journalistic talent.
The design was led by this semester's Social Media Interns, Julia King, Cindy Ho, Kelsey Diggins, and Molly O'Regan, who developed a minimalistic and modern theme.
The stories in this edition captured the hot topics of what is happening in the Amherst area including an exclusive piece about the recent protests written by Lead Anchor & News Writer Ariana Gonzalez, and News Writer Morry Ajao. Other writers included Emily Tarinelli and Norah Tafuri of Mount Holyoke, and Rachael Dufault of Umass. You can find more of these interns' work by tuning into the Amherst Weekly Report episodes posted on YouTube and on Channel 12 where they frequently play.
The magazine also highlighted our production interns, Selene Bonafini, Dylan Shea, and Yang Yi Chen, who all collaborated effectively and efficiently in the production and post-production of the Amherst Weekly Report. Also, there's Tyler Beraldi, who has been with Amherst Media as our Sports Anchor & News Writer for several semesters, and Kristen Matul Toc who took on the new role of News Coordinator.
Together, the team created a variety of work that challenged them to learn new skills and take on new roles.
We genuinely thank our interns for their hard work this semester and look forward to what they will come up with in the future.
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Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm
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